Spartan Pro Wash proudly serves Pitt County, NC, offering top-tier house washing services. Our soft washing method uses advanced equipment and safe, eco-friendly cleaners to remove dirt, mold, and debris from your siding, fascia, and gutters.
A clean exterior boosts your home’s curb appeal and property value. Whether you're selling or just want to feel great pulling into your driveway, soft washing is the most efficient and cost-effective way to clean exterior surfaces.
We provide fast, affordable service. Check out our before and after photos to see the difference for yourself!
Vinyl siding requires minimal upkeep, but we recommend washing it annually or as needed to keep it looking its best.
Our expert team can handle a variety of surfaces, including:
- Vinyl siding
- Brick walls and walkways
- Stone siding and patios
- Wood decks and fences
- Sidewalks and entryways
- Driveways and parking lots
- Garage floors
- Roofs
- Trash can areas
At Spartan Pro Wash, we use low-pressure soft washing, the safest method for cleaning homes and other delicate surfaces. Our specialized cleaning agents are both effective and safe, ensuring a spotless finish without damaging your property.
Siding and other exterior materials can be damaged by excessive pressure or improper cleaning products. Our professional-grade equipment allows us to apply the right amount of pressure to each surface, protecting your home from harm. Plus, our cleaning solutions are proven to work without causing any damage.
For multi-story homes, we safely clean from the ground using advanced equipment, reducing the need for ladders. If a ladder is required, our team is fully trained and insured for safe operation at height.
- Fast response times to meet tight schedules
- Locally owned and operated for personalized service
- Great reviews from satisfied customers in your area
We are fully insured and have a solid reputation in Pitt County and beyond. Contact Spartan Pro Wash today for reliable, professional house washing services!
Monday – Thursday:
7am – 7 pm
7am - 5pm
All Rights Reserved | Spartan Pro Wash
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